Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Growth Spurts

All us Skophammers are experiencing growth spurts. And, growing is NOT easy!

RT is eating almost 50% more a day than he was last week. I don't know what happened over the weekend, but he's eating so much more! He hates to fall asleep, so he gets cranky when he is over tired. We work with him at getting him to calm down and fall asleep. It is tricky! We think we have it figured out, but then the next night we have to find a new solution. He's sleeping in his bouncy chair right now and looks so perfect. We are all figuring out his needs. Overall, he is the most happy, joyful baby I've ever seen. I adore him.

Roger's growth spurt deals with commuting. He's not commuted for work for years. He doesn't really have his own car, so he needs rides with people. This is new for him. Jodi is great and I think it will all work out after a routine is formed. School started for faculty yesterday. I miss having him home in the day, but I think he will get more work done because he stays at work longer, and that means we will have better quality time together at home.

My growth spurt deals with learning to manage my stress and anxiety. I am trying to find the calm in all this crap. It is not easy, but I'm growing and learning more about myself and my limits in dealing with stuff. I have limits and they are becoming fairly rigid and I'm good with that. With school starting next week for me, I hope to have all this under control soon. I'm moving in the right direction. Hopefully, it will be enough.

We never stop growing, but it seems like we are all dealing with such an accelerated growth this week. I don't understand it, but I accept it. That's about all I can ask of myself.

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