Sunday, January 23, 2011


I love Sundays. I love that I usually have nowhere to go and can enjoy time at home. We watch football all day and eat football type food. We don't have any football fan friends in Valley City, so we are on our own. I kind of like it that way, though I loved watching with the Kidders years ago. There is something about getting together to watch games. For today's conference champion games, we are having buffalo chicken dip and enchiladas, later. No beer for me, but ice cold Summit for Roger. What more could we want?

As a Jets fan, I am particularly interested in today's games. I'm not the kind of fan that goes crazy and will be depressed if they lose, but I have all my green on and will be yelling for Sanchez and the guys. The Packers, thus far, are easily beating the Bears. I'm cuddled under the blanket just enjoying the games.

On another note, we've started buying things for the baby. I was a bit leery of early baby purchases. I've known people who have bought so much for the baby before even getting pregnant, then not getting pregnant. I know they are not related, but I have gotten a bit more superstitious this past year. I bought an outfit and a baby-raising book, "The Baby Whisperer." I'm getting super excited to be a mom!

I'm sure Sundays will both be the same and different with a baby next NFL season. I can't wait to find out!

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