Saturday, January 22, 2011

Date Night

Roger and I had a date night last night. We took off for Fargo after I got my hair cut and colored and Roger had a beer with his colleagues. What a nice way to start the weekend!

We had dinner at Old Chicago. We hadn't been there for awhile. On Friday evenings, it gets pretty busy, so Roger dropped me off at the door and I headed into the bar to find a couple spots. The nice thing in North Dakota is that nobody under 21 can eat in the bar, so it is usually easier to find seats at busy times. I walk into the bar and run into my good friend Shelly! It was so great. I had been talking about how much I missed friends and running into people like I did in Ghent, and then it happened in Fargo. Loved it! Roger and I found a couple chairs and had a quick dinner of some appetizers. We headed to the movie theater. The only movie we've seen in a theater since we moved to North Dakota is the Harry Potter movie Thanksgiving night in Minot. I have missed the theater. We went to "The Black Swan" and found one thing that is not cheaper in North Dakota-$18 for our two tickets--whew! Then we ordered our popcorn, root beer and Dots--another $15. It was entirely worth the money!

What a film. I would not call it a romantic movie, but it was extremely thought provoking...and a little creepy. Natalie Portman was great! I'm so happy we went.

All in all it was a nice date night. We need more of these!

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