Monday, October 6, 2008

Loft Mountain 2008

We took a trip to Shenandoah National Park for a weekend of camping and hiking. We got in around 9 p.m. and set up out tent. It was cool-in the mid-40s. We sat around the fire with Jennie and Pete and went to bed fairly early to prepare for our Saturday hiking. We awoke to some good strong coffee and pancakes and bacon. After fueling up, we headed for Jones Run. It was a 3.6 mile hike, down 900 feet to a beautiful waterfall. While not huge, it was cool and refreshing. After a few minutes of enjoying the waterfall and taking some pictures, we headed back up 900 feet. While it was tough (for me anyway) it was totally worth it. If I could go back every weekend, I would. This picture is the five of us in front of the waterfall.

Jack and his walking stick.

Just about the only wildlife we saw, caterpillars. I hear there are lots of deer and some black bears, but we didn't see any of them. Pete found some deer poop on Sunday. It had been left Saturday night, but we were all asleep and missed them. Luckily, we also saw no snakes. I was scared at first, but sucked it up and enjoyed myself in spite of my fears.

Roger and Pete were looking for fish. Roger did find a one-clawed crawfish in one of the pools, but not much else.

The weather was perfect. We saw millions of stars and the sky was crystal clear. I don't think we could have asked for more perfect camping and hiking weather. I cannot wait to go back!


Elizabeth said...

Love the new look of the blog and enjoyed your account of a super trip!
we went to a beer fest upstate with Bobby and Kristin
love from NY

Andrea Dellit said...

oh i LOVE IT!! This looks like it was soo much fun!! And I miss the Schriders!!!

I'm going to miss the wine festival!!!!! And I'm devastated.........