Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our Boy!

These days, RT is talking up a storm.  Yes, he is definitely his mother’s son!  Even his pediatrician was impressed with his verbal skills.  He understands where the words go and what they mean.  When he is done eating, he says, “all done.”  When he wants more he says, “more please.”  Yesterday at childcare, he went to the crib with the doll and said, “baby, shhhhh sleeping.”  He counts with is Leap Frog maracas.  He makes the sound the train makes when the doors close when he thinks it is time for the train to move.  He hears the announcement for the next station, such as Tufts Medical Center, and copies it, “Tuts Medca nter.”  He amazes me every day.  This morning on the train, he took my name badge and pretended it was a phone.  He said, “Hi daddy.  Okay.  Bye bye.  I love you.”  I nearly cried!  This time in his life is unbelievable.  I keep wondering if I am really hearing this or just think I am.  His teachers and doctor have confirmed that he is saying these things!  Wow!  Am I ever glad I did not miss out on this stage of his life!

He is also doing well in other areas of development.  He is starting to understand “wait” and “be patient,” although he doesn’t like to do either of those!  He can put coins in his piggy bank and put his straw in the juice box.  He loves to take stuff apart and try to put it back together.  He also enjoys moving furniture.  Last night he tipped his tale over and dragged it all over the living room.  He loves, LOVES books.  He wants to be read to, he reads to the cats and his stuffed animals.  He is a bookworm!  I hope he keeps it up.  Roger and I are starting to read more to keep RT interested.  I haven’t read a book in a while, but I am starting to get into it again.  Some nights I only get a page or two, but others I read a chapter!  I love reading and have missed it more than I thought.

Life for us is good.  We are a happy family enjoying life in the city.  And we do love the city.  RT is as happy as a boy can be!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

A charming post from a doting Mama!