Monday, October 1, 2012


The walk outside today felt like October.  The sun was shining, the air was cool and the leaves were crunching.  I saw a few autumn mums on the walk.  I'm starting to see pumpkins around the neighborhood.  I love, love this time of year. 

RT has been making trees and pumpkins and apples in art at school.  He seems to be thriving at his school.  He is making friends and playing along side other kids.  Soon he will start to interact with the kids and play together with someone else.  His development changes dramatically every week.  His fine and gross motor skills are amazing!  He wants to drink out of a regular glass.  He likes to take his food off a plate.  He is eating new things all the time.  He loves orange juice (just like his mom!).  Sometimes I look at him and think, there's my little man.  Other times, I love to cuddle with my baby boy.  I am loving him at this age!  I'm sure every age has its greatnesses and I can't wait to see them all.

I am waiting to hear after my interview last week.  I think it went very well, so I have my fingers crossed. 

We had a wonderful group of parents and kids here for a funtime brunch on Saturday.  JP moms and dads are fun people!  I can't wait for the Halloween one.  I don't think RT will wear a regular costume, so we are looking at shirts and stuff for ideas.  Whatever he is, he will be adorable, no doubt.

We have visitors arriving Saturday.  Gwen and Jerry are flying in for a few days.  It will be nice to see them.  We spend time together in the cities, but rarely with just the two of them.  I'm looking forward to their visit.

Our October is filling up.  We still have to find time for Skyfall, Bond film 23.  You know I have to see it as soon as possible!  We also need to get fall gear out of storage.  And deal with this office finally!

Well, happy it!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Good to see and hear that you are settling in happily to your new life!
Bobby always used to love 'fall crafts'!
tis the season indeed!

RT looking super cute!