Monday, May 2, 2011

Full Term

As of today, I am considered full-term at 37 weeks. I am happy to have made it this far. I am confident that if the baby is born anytime in the next three weeks, it will be healthy. I have had enough tests to show that it is a healthy baby that is growing right on schedule.

When Roger and I decided to try to get pregnant, we discussed our ages. My age puts me at risk for several problems with the pregnancy and for the baby. Roger's age, however, doesn't really affect the baby's health. It has been difficult to be an almost 40 year old woman and pregnant. I am grateful for being able to get pregnant and to carry this healthy baby, but wonder if I knew the challenges, would we still have gone through with it. I think so. I am so eager with anticipation to meet the little guy or girl. I can't wait to take care of this tiny thing and see it grow and love it to pieces. Roger jokes that he will spoil the child (it's not really a joke!). I know this child will be loved by many, many people. I feel so fortunate to have been able to carry our child and to be able to introduce him or her to loving family and friends. I have had so much support during this pregnancy; it has been overwhelming at times. I have always found myself a lucky woman to have such a good and supportive and loving family, but also to have friends from around the country who also lend their support, friendship and love. This baby will know it!

Thanks to everyone for putting up with me...this has been an emotional roller coaster of a time in my life. I will never forget those whose support and love have reinforced my resolve to be a mom this late in life. Thank you...

Okay, are at full term. You can join this world anytime now (well, except for Saturday...I want to go to my cousin Harvey's wedding!), we are all ready to meet you!

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