Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Roger bought our 10 pound turkey last night for Thanksgiving. It is silly, but I am extremely excited about spending the holiday alone with Roger and it helps to have the turkey! Yeah! Yes, I'm silly, but that is a happy change sometimes.


Jessica, Curt, Hunter, Ian and Emily said...

It is always the small things that are the best and to be thankful for!

Leanna said...

Yay for turkey! I love the holiday season because there seems to be silliness in everything, which is a nice and welcome change from anger and discontent.

Long live happy holidays!

Elizabeth said...

Love the new look to the blog!
How did you make it?
Talked to grandma last night- she was pretty out of it and thought I was TESS. Hm........
She was OK on her birthday last week though.
Happy Thanksgiving in advance!
love from New York