Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From Aunt Wix


I don't very often do these but sometimes they seem fun.
Gemma of Greyscale Territory in Tasmania (now there's an exotic spot for you!) who has a most fascinating and poetic blog tagged me for this one.
I hope I have got all the parts of it right. (Wix wrote this on her blog)

10 years ago
I was moving to Fargo to work at MeritCare after finishing my Associates Degrees in Medical Assistant and Medical Secretary. My friend and I adopted 2 kittens, Harry and Lizzie (which she still has, I think). I was excited to move back to Fargo.

5 places you have lived:
Burlington, North Dakota
Fargo, North Dakota
Waterloo, Iowa
Portsmouth, Virginia
Norfolk, Virginia

3 bad habits (I'm glad we only had to put three!)
Obsessing about minutia
Watching too many reruns
Procrastinating homework

If I was a billionaire
I'd pay off student loans. Buy houses for Roger and I, his daughter and family, my parents and my sister. And have one big party somewhere really great, like an island on the beach. I would travel and hopefully be selfless enough to do charity work around the world. I'd go all solar and wind power if possible. And I would buy only great wine!

5 jobs I've had

I sold concessions at the State Fair
I worked for two flower shops and one garden center
I was a medical secretary (YUCK)
I was an ophthalmic assistant
I am a research assistant

Above all I am a professional lifelong student

5 people to tag to pass the meme on

Please only do this if you have time.
Also anyone else who would like to join in, please do.........
These are just a few people with super blogs.........

Anyone else

*You should check out Aunt Wix's blog...she has more exotic answers

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