Friday, March 21, 2008


It is interesting the networks in our lives. This blog is a network. I enjoyed reading the comments to yesterday's blog entry. Politics is always so touchy, so personal. Sometimes, I just like to share my thoughts. I was relieved to not see any angry responses to me. Politics, being such a personal thing, gives opportunities for personal attacks (real or perceived). The political network is too complex to even wrap myself around.

Last night, Roger accompanied me to a Humanities Lecture and reception. It was nice to have Roger's support for my networking. It is nice not to have to totally go it alone. There were three new professors discussing interesting topics. The first was a study of family farm succession planning in rural Pennsylvania. That was interesting to me in many ways since my Mom's family farm is still around. The second spoke about New Media and the difficulties of using it in traditional academic settings. She spoke of interesting challenges which I face in using films as arguments. The third speaker prefaced his talk with some background. He went to the University of Maine and had interests in Canadian History, Gang Wars, Waterways and Environmental Conservation. So what was his research? Seascapes between Novia Scotia and Maine where fishing was territorial with gang wars and their preservation of the seascape. He did it...found a way to incorporate so much seemingly unrelated interests into a great topic. All three were fascinating in many ways. We continued the evening with wine and food from Azar's (Lebanese). We had a great time talking with the professors in my field. Roger enjoyed himself as well.

It is always good to look at the networks in our lives. There are so many.

Enjoy the weekend. My friend network in Virginia is bowling tomorrow! Yeah, bowling!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Do you still have your bowling ball??

Jessica, Curt, Hunter, Ian and Emily said...

I tagged you -- read my blog to see how to play!

Unknown said...

hi there, blog hoppped from somewhere, I'm actually a lazy reader but enjoyed reading all the post here, cool, have a nice weekend :)