Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Molars, Congestion and Baked Beans

I know what you are thinking, this post sounds so exciting!  Well, these are interesting things in our lives these days.

Molars:  RT is getting them.  They cause him to drool all the time and he is in pain.  It makes me feel bad that he is feeling bad.  They aren't even visible yet, so we will have awhile for them to get in.  Looks like I'd better stock up on Tylenol and cold toys to chew on.

Congestion:  RT is congested.  We don't know if he has a cold or has allergies like Roger and I do.  Perhaps I should have not taken Zyrtec when I was pregnant and maybe he'd be better able to fight off allergies on his own.  We see Dr. Lien next month (for the one year checkup!!) and we'll talk to her then.  I hate to have him taking daily meds, but if an allergy medication works, we will do it.   RT has a hard time sleeping when he is congested; don't we all?  But, we are all managing to get nearly enough sleep.

Baked Beans:  RT loved them last night.  I wonder if when I give him leftovers he will still like them.  He is starting to eat a little bit more.  I think he should be eating more than he does, but he eats what and as much as he wants.  Thankfully, the formula gives him the nourishment that he needs for his age.  He is certainly growing and growing and he never seems to run out of energy!

The joys of motherhood...posting about these kinds of things.  I'd like to write posts about how angry I am with Dr. Pepper for its Dr. Pepper 10 sexist advertising campaign, or my feelings on the overuse of words like deserve, or the awesome books I've been reading.  But, it seems like when I get on here to post, I post about family stuff.  I guess that is the way it is.  Perhaps it is time to resurrect some old blogs and make them work for other topics in my life.  My life is complex, something I'd never change, and I guess my posting could use a bit more complexity.  Or, perhaps not.


JaneV said...

Hi Kate! Sounds like you are busy with being a Mom. Isn't it the best?! Haven't seen you on FB in a while so I guess you are taking a break or just not doing it anymore. Let's keep in touch! Jane

JaneV said...

Hi Kate! Sounds like you are busy with being a Mom. Isn't it great?! And yes, you write about your family because it is the centerpiece of your life right now. Enjoy these times when RT is a baby. They are fleeting and so precious. I haven't seen you on FB in a while. I guess you are taking a break or just giving it up. You're not missing much. Let's keep it touch! Jane