Thursday, August 5, 2010

Family Time

I've just sent my RSVP to the Annual Skophammer Softball Game and Picnic over Labor Day weekend in Bloomington, Minnesota. This will be my 3rd time at the game. I enjoy being a member of the Skophammer family. It is always a fun time running around playing softball with the little kids and trying to hit the ball with the rest of the family. Everyone lets loose and has a good time. It is fun for all of us. I look forward to it every year. I like that it is just a short half day's drive away this year.

I realized that I will be able to attend all the birthday parties of my grandkids! I've had to miss Owen's first birthday and many of Cassie's birthday parties. No more! I will be at Owen's second birthday in October and DeeDee's first birthday in January. I'll probably be at Cassie's big 10th birthday in May. I love this part of being a grandma! That's why we've moved closer!!

I've enjoyed several weekends with my parents this summer. It has been nice to hang out on the weekend, then go home. I'm beginning to really like this living close to family thing. I'm reaping the benefits.

I am looking forward to a couple weekends with just Roger, hanging out at home. I always enjoy that!

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